OCR: Meet YIMBY: Pro-development groups join the battle in California housing wars

OCR: Meet YIMBY: Pro-development groups join the battle in California housing wars
September 10, 2017 zach

0910_nws_ocr-l-realyimbypic3-043_24457547Governing bodies take their seats on raised platforms as a parade of angry citizens lambast the latest homebuilding proposal, worried about traffic, schools, crime and property values. The developers, they say, are greedy bloodsuckers. The residents, developers say, are NIMBYs — happy to see new shopping centers, apartment blocks and housing tracts, so long as they’re “not in my backyard.” Now, there’s a new player in this well-worn battleground: YIMBYs. These are pro-housing, mostly young urban dwellers willing to say “yes in my backyard” to residential development of all types, including subsidized housing for the poor and for-profit housing for the well-to-do.

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