Builder: How the Government Can Help Housing

Builder: How the Government Can Help Housing
January 9, 2017 zach

With the election behind us, we ask builders what five things government should be doing at the local, state, and federal levels to get the housing market moving at full capacity. Their answers touched on all levels of government. Here’s what they said.

Tax Credits: The Trump administration needs to focus on the continued easing of residential mortgage lending standards and support low and middle-income housing tax credits.

Regulations: The federal government needs to ease—and in some cases, roll back—burdensome regulations that stifle developer and builder investment.

Work Visas: Leadership at the federal level needs to open the flow of labor across the border vis temporary work visas.

Lower Taxes: Lower tax rates—including federal, state, and local income taxes, property taxes, and impact fees to name a few—will drive investment in our economy by small- and medium-sized businesses, and increase consumer investment in owning real estate. A new, simplified federal tax system will also drive consumer confidence and the financial markets.

Create Growth: In the end, it’s all about job creation and wage growth.

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