Bakersfield: Gamboa: Prop 10 Threatens California’s Ability to Fix the Affordable Housing Crisis

Bakersfield: Gamboa: Prop 10 Threatens California’s Ability to Fix the Affordable Housing Crisis
September 15, 2018 zach

John GamboaBoth gubernatorial candidates have a lot to say about how to fix our housing crisis. They have great ideas about how to expedite housing construction, increase inventory and reduce costs for families looking to achieve the American Dream of homeownership. Unfortunately, these ideas don’t exist in a political vacuum and there are existing and future threats that will build more barriers to construction, make our housing crisis worse and overall make life more difficult for California’s working class. As a lifelong advocate against exclusionary housing policies and who now fights for minorities to own homes, build wealth and achieve middle-income status with real upward economic mobility, I am very concerned that the good work being promoted by our gubernatorial candidates will be undone before it can start.

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